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SEED the Series

SEED the series is the planned six season, 72 episode, science fiction series that started it all. The blogs, books, DVDs, YouTube videos and radio shows Rob has done so far represent the non-fiction foundation upon which the science fiction/fantasy of SEED will be built. Visit to learn more.

Babylon Rising Books

Visit this site for your source to find Rob Skiba books, DVDs, timeline charts and more.

Babylon Rising Blog

Visit this site to read the blogs, which led to the books.

Virtual House Church

Visit this site to begin your journey out of Babylon and into the Bible of the Bible.

The Revolutionary Radio Project

Visit this site to listen to Rob Skiba’s Revolutionary Radio Project on the Truth Frequency Radio Network.

Testing the Globe

Visit this site to join Rob Skiba on his Quest4Truth concerning the shape and nature of our world. NOTE: Don’t judge until you’ve spent at least one full day looking into this issue.

Partner With Rob Skiba

PayPal Seal

If you have been blessed by Rob Skiba’s ministry and media efforts, please consider contributing toward his continued outreach potential. Note however that Rob’s ministry is NOT a 501(c)3, which means the ministry is not regulated by the government, nor is he able to give you a tax deductible receipt for any contributions. If you would prefer not to donate on-line, please send your contribution to:

King’s Gate Media
PO Box 118461
Carrollton, TX 75011


Contact Rob

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