by Rob | Aug 30, 2016 | Bible, Facebook Notes, Giants, Nephilim, Sons of God, Videos
Below are the titles of the 6 sessions held at the 2016 Lubbock, Texas Sons of God, Giants of Old IV Conference, featuring Dr. Aaron Judkins, Joe Taylor, Dr. Judd Burton, Rob Skiba, Jared Chrestman and Pastor Dan Chrestman in the video playlist above. SESSION 1...
by Rob | Aug 24, 2016 | Bible, Blogs, Flat Earth, YHWH
I have repeatedly stated in other blog posts and videos that “The Bible is a flat Earth book from Genesis to Revelation.” Well, this morning, I found another interesting proof of this in the book of Revelation as a result of watching a video by Pastor Dean...
by Rob | Aug 22, 2016 | Bible, Blogs, Flat Earth, KJV Only, YHWH
In response to the whole Flat Earth Debate, I’ve been seeing more and more “scholars” defaulting to the Doctrine of Accommodation as a method to explain away the problem of what the Scriptures clearly describe concerning the shape and nature of our...
by Rob | Aug 12, 2016 | Bible, Blogs, Flat Earth, KJV Only
{sigh} I still get Christians sending me Isaiah 40:22 allllllllllllllllllllllll the time claiming the authors of Scripture (specifically Isaiah) allegedly knew the Earth was a globe. To be fair, I have used the same argument before myself. But that was when I was...