by Rob Skiba | Sep 28, 2020 | Bible, Blogs, End Times, Rapture, Revelation
Preterism seems to be on the rise these days. A number of friends of mine and people on Facebook seem to be either fully in this camp now or “exploring” it to the point where they are at least leaning heavily in that direction. In response to this,...
by Rob | Sep 21, 2017 | Bible, Blogs, prophecy, Rapture
Why this Saturday is NOT going to be what MANY are claiming I have seen MANY blogs, Facebook memes and posts and YouTube videos about 9/23/17 allegedly being the day we all get Raptured out of here. Yet Paul said… 1 Thess. 4:15 For this we say unto you by the...
by Rob | Feb 23, 2017 | Bible, Blogs, Flat Earth, Nephilim, Torah, Videos, YHWH
First let me say, I really do sincerely love and respect Derek and Sharon Gilbert, Tom Horn, Josh Peck and the rest of the gang over at SkywatchTV. Whatever they may think of me, I still enjoy watching, listening to and reading their stuff. However, they really should...
by Rob | Nov 9, 2016 | Bible, Facebook Notes, Israel, politics
I’m feeling the need for a bit of a rant coming on… Right now Christians are hailing Trump as a Cyrusian messiah. Of course, if he’s a Cyrus, then he’s from Persia and Babylon. Convenient. Care to guess how long it will take until these same people start putting out...
by Rob | Aug 30, 2016 | Bible, Facebook Notes, Giants, Nephilim, Sons of God, Videos
Below are the titles of the 6 sessions held at the 2016 Lubbock, Texas Sons of God, Giants of Old IV Conference, featuring Dr. Aaron Judkins, Joe Taylor, Dr. Judd Burton, Rob Skiba, Jared Chrestman and Pastor Dan Chrestman in the video playlist above. SESSION 1...