Right now Christians are hailing Trump as a Cyrusian messiah. Of course, if he’s a Cyrus, then he’s from Persia and Babylon. Convenient. Care to guess how long it will take until these same people start putting out “prophetic words” that he’s the Antichrist of End Times Babylon? I’d wager it will take less than 4 years. LOL!
SMH Doubt it? Consider what the Wikipedia entry has to say of Cyrus…
Cyrus built his empire by conquering first the Median Empire, then the Lydian Empire and eventually the Neo-Babylonian Empire. Either before or after Babylon, he led an expedition into central Asia, which resulted in major campaigns that were described as having brought “into subjection every nation without exception”.[9] Cyrus did not venture into Egypt, as he himself died in battle, fighting the Massagetaealong the Syr Darya in December 530 BC.[10][11] He was succeeded by his son, Cambyses II, who managed to add to the empire by conquering Egypt, Nubia, and Cyrenaica during his short rule.
Cyrus the Great respected the customs and religions of the lands he conquered.[12] This became a very successful model for centralized administration and establishing a government working to the advantage and profit of its subjects.[7] In fact, the administration of the empire through satraps and the vital principle of forming a government at Pasargadae were the works of Cyrus.[13] What is sometimes referred to as the Edict of Restoration (actually two edicts) described in the Bible as being made by Cyrus the Great left a lasting legacy on the Jewish religion, where, because of his policies in Babylonia, he is referred to by the Jewish Bible as Messiah (lit. “His anointed one”) (Isaiah 45:1),[14] and is the only non-Jew to be called so:[15] “So said the Lord to His anointed one, to Cyrus”.Isaiah 45:1-7
And don’t even get me started on the question of modern “Israel.” [ http://www.quest4truth.net/Archived-Shows/quest4truth-episode-11 ] Suffice it to say, the only “support” the (true) Israel of Scripture ever needed can be found in Leviticus 26:1-13 – and NOT in a fraudulent (s)election system of a foreign nation run by Luciferians. Just sayin,’
But back to the question: Is Trump our Cyrus? Personally, I think not. If you do, I suppose we’ll see how well that works out in time. At any rate, I guess he’s better than a confirmed lying, murderous, traitor of a Luciferian witch… which was our only other alternative. Or so we can only hope.
Anyway… with a running mate like “Pence,” care to make a bet on how long it will take for all the Pre-Trib “prophecy” gurus to start linking Trump to the “last trump” of Scripture? I mean come on! Trump – Pence. Right? I have to think this was rigged to be that way just to get Christians all riled up. “They” have to be laughing their butts off at us right about now. But we’ll not disappoint them. We’ll play right into their game (as usual). So start watching for all the books and videos to start coming out – especially by next summer, just in time for Sept. 11, 2017 (around the Feast of Trumpets time frame and the alleged near repeat stellar alignment of Rev. 12:1-5). And then of course even more so by May 14, 2018. Because after all, we’ll be celebrating the 70th anniversary of the alleged “founding of the nation of Israel” (refer to Psalm 90:10). Oh yeah… and being that this is allegedly the tail end of a “Shmitah” year, and it’s supposedly the year 5777 on the Jewish calendar and I’ve already had someone claim on my Facebook page that Trump will be 70 years – wait for it – 7 months and 7 days old when he’s sworn in on inauguration day – the next few years should be quite interesting – if not exceptionally annoying.
SMH. Here we go… Weeeeeeee…..!
Right now, Trump’s the Cyrusian Messiah. Tomorrow he’ll be the Antichrist. But wait! I thought Obama was the Antichrist!!! I mean, didn’t all the “Torah codes” (which also predicted Hillary as president) say so? Haven’t there been a few BILLION blogs and videos “proving” that Obama is the cloned Pharaoh who IS the Antichrist? Oh but… Trump isn’t in office yet, so there’s still time to declare Martial Law and keep O in office indefinitely. {sigh} I get it. I guess we’ll have a few more months to wait and see if that scenario plays out. And of course all of this implies that America is Babylon and that the whole Bible is really about us – as everything else is – anyway, right? Oh, but maybe O will leave the White House and become the head of the U.N. and all those other “prophecies” can run parallel with all the new ones that are sure to come out in the days ahead.
Sorry folks. The Bible is NOT about the good ol’ U.S. of A. And our president is NOT going to be the Antichrist. Read your Bible! The Antichrist Beast comes from the Bottomless Pit (Rev. 9:11 and 17) not the freaking White House, Kenya or New York!
Trump = King Cyrus?
Trump = prelude to the Rapture?
Guys, he’s just another SELECTED puppet. Nothing more. And he’s not going to be the answer to all our problems. That said, admittedly, he’s probably a million times better than Hitlery, but he’s not our nation’s new messiah. And so, if we must be ruled by another pawn of the Luciferian bankers and “global elite,” I suppose things could be much better under Trump than the alternative.
Oh but since Trump (allegedly) “found Jesus” on the campaign trail (the miracles never cease), Christians are rejoicing and praising God that “YHWH’s man” got in. I seem to recall similar delusions concerning G.W.B. and look where that got us: a never ending “War on Terror” which is nothing more than a self-contradicting, great idea conjured up in a Luciferian’s mind that has effectively robbed peace from the Earth forever – all based on a lie designed to perpetually line the pockets of all the neocons who are heavily invested in the Military Industrial Complex. Christians all freak out about the abortion issue (justifiably so), but what about all of our teenagers and twenty-somethings getting blown apart for nothing more than greed? Are their lives any less important than those of infants? Have we traded infanticide for the infantry? Either way, we end up with the mass murder of our children.
In closing my cynical little rant here, I wish to address something and I want you to really think about this: Did YHWH Himself really place Trump in office as sooooooo many on Social Media are claiming? If you truly believe that, I will be accepting your apology now for lobbing accusatory comments all over my wall because I refused to vote. Why? Because if YHWH truly placed him in office and not the totally rigged system that has placed ALLLLLLLL of our related presidents since our nation’s founding, then you have still only confirmed what I’ve been saying all all long – that either way, YOUR vote never mattered. You’ve just deceived yourself into believing in the illusion of choice when it comes to our presidents. Face it, either YHWH selects our presidents or the Luciferian bankers who prefer the bloodline of King John Lackland do. You just get the exercise of running around punching chads, marking check boxes and pushing buttons while thinking you have ever had any say in the matter. So to all of you who blasted me for refusing to vote, I’ll be reviewing all apologies and admissions of error now. Please begin posting them below at this time. Thanks.
My words ALMOST exactly.
Praying for souls..
Shining “His” light in a VERY DARK world.
Great points Rob. Please also note that they stretched out announcing the win till after midnight so that his official election date is 11-9. But I had a thought watching the flap and twirl last night. I have been wondering why the powers that be picked two such outrageous characters this time. Usually we get two stuffy career politicians that no one care two cents about, and whom the voting public largely ignores while they continue leading us down the merry path to NWO. I think they were taking the temperature of the American people. They super-charged the polarization this go-round to see if we would gung-ho for socialism, or resist. They needed to see how much work they have left to do. Just my thoughts. YHWH protect and guide us all.
Spot on!!
Hi rob, hope you are well. Great article, enjoyed it. Thanks ian
Great rant Rob, we are definitely on the same wave length on this subject! God Bless, and keep up the good work!
I love you Rob and I agree with a lot of your research. However, your cynicism and sarcasm herein – reveal the suppressed anger of your heart. Have you actually prayed about this matter – before you shared your opinions? I did… And I must say that I was quite surprised what Yahweh had to say about the matter. I hope that you will read what I have written with an open mind and that you will be blessed by it. Major Prophecies have been and are being fulfilled during this time and Yahweh has anointed Trump in an eerily similar way that He anointed Cyrus!
Shalom, shalom, R
First Comment here,
Rob, I have been thoroughly encouraged and blessed by much of your re-research 🙂 It has confirmed along many lines the manner in which the Holy Spirit has led me as well for many years. From the Nephelim to the Biblical possibility of a flat earth to being impressed to begin incorporating God’s appointed times (feasts) with my wife and children, etc.
My first thought concerning your post was similar to Brother McDuffie’s comments above. I felt your cynicism was a distraction from any truth which it may have contained. Though many of your above thoughts I would concur with concerning the manner of our elections there was something very different about this one. I have been somewhat dumbfounded how many I am acquainted with (many who are not pentecostal) that were led by the Lord to Isaiah 45. The vitriolic response from the various pulpits of the world’s media mediums also seem to possibly indicate that this was not in their plan… or it’s another level and layer of managed chaos. Time will tell.
The Lord bless you mightily Brother! Keep in Step!
Hebrew year 5777 and Trump will be 70 years 7 months and 7 days when he puts his hand on the bible to swear in 777. Rev 12 will happen Sept 23 next year exactly 1260 days after first blood moon in 2014!! Love your stuff Rob, not saying he’s a Cyrus but he was chosen for America.. I would love to talk to you sometime about all the things God revealed to me about Revelation 13.. I know your busy but if you get time email me. It’s about the The Seal of God and who first and 2nd beast are, also the 42 months is key to understanding. 42 months are different times from 1260 days. Anyway God bless and keep up the good work.
Hi Ryan,
I am interested to hear about the seal of God, the beasts and the 42 months. Can u post?
This is Egypt not USA, you missed the Ba’al
I think there’s a big chance, that the Christian persecution within 1st world countries, could be triggered this presidency. I feel civil war is coming to America. I can’t prove it it’s just a feeling. In any case it has a eerie feel to it. Like it’s a decoy that triggers something bigger. I pray for peace for the body of Christ, and grace to endure the price of living godly in Christ Jesus.
Hey Rob, Totally agree with you. You might want to give this a listen. He’s pretty fired up and lays it out very real. You’ll enjoy it!
Happy Friday all,
Let’s remember to set aside some time to spend with God. Thank Him for things He has done and is doing in your life; He loves thanksgiving. Make some of the time quiet so that He can speak to your heart and you can get instructions from Him.
Here in America, there is much focus on the election outcome and president-elect Donald Trump. The many prayers worldwide that were instrumental in his success, will also give all of us some more time to get right with God and experience Revival in ourselves and hopefully in our local churches.
Let’s not miss out on this great opportunity to be a part of history and make wonderful memories that will stay with us throughout eternity. We are in the last days and God has shown us a window into our eternal life. We must stay focused on that vision of what is unchangeable, in a rapidly changing world.
In the short term, we might have time to witness Trump forming his government and a peaceful transition of power. However, in the long term we have to admit to ourselves that God’s judgment is still on the table and it is designed to wake up the whole world to His existence and presence. With judgment mixed with mercy, God will close out this age and then establish His Kingdom of 1000 years of the rule of His Son, Christ Jesus.
But how we get from here to there is still partly up to our collective free wills. We can make the end times glorious or we can make it Hell on Earth; it really is up to us. Whom you choose to serve will determine the outcome of your life. In all seriousness and logic, you must choose God and His Christ, or, by default, you will serve Satan and his Antichrist.
The Trump victory served as a type of judgment in itself, as it has shaken the whole world. Everywhere people are reevaluating where they stand on many many issues. This self reflection can lead to a new awareness of God’s intervention and divine purpose in our lives, if we will let Him in. Please do not squander this chance for His provision and protection to be the key part of your life. For more information on God’s help, please read all of Psalm 91 and remember this chapter from now on. It was written for these exact times.
For certain we cannot find ourselves worshipping any man, not Trump, and certainly not Antichrist. The hard lesson here is that no man other than the man Jesus can save us from our sins, wipe the slate clean with His blood, and give us the victory and a very happy ending to what is to come.
Therefore I caution everyone to temper your exuberance or your outrage with much common sense. We can not escape the destiny of this Earth which is Judgment, a short rule by Antichrist, and the Glorious return of Jesus Christ to set up His Kingdom. With all those scenarios in mind, we must do our due diligence for the sake of our own souls and of those we love and hold dear. Remember to tell others of God’s great love toward us.
God bless America and God bless all nations,
Rob, this is the only way I can send you these links…
I’d like your take on this as well…The Noahide laws and how they work in with the U.N. and the NWO. Already in law under Bush.
I found this interesting and through about how you would see it.
Here’ the link to the 5 short videos that explain it all.
It is good to learn not to be tossed about by every wind of doctrine as it is written. Yet, the WORD teaches us that God the Lord governs the issues of man and there is no authority/king set in place that HE has not allowed. We are also taught to intercede for all men, kings and all authorities. I, personally experienced this election as a tremendous prayer burden unlike any previously as I too believe most is rigged. As you said, we will see. But we can also intercede that as Cyrus did he, Mr. Trump will come to know the one true God in Christ Jesus. The power of prayer is mighty!
Trump may not be Cyrus, but he is a lot like Caligula. See http://www.antichristtrump.org/