by Rob | Sep 22, 2017 | Bible, Blogs, Flat Earth, YHWH
Most people say that the Earth is spinning at about 1,000 mph and that it is orbiting around the sun at 66,600 mph and that it is being hurled through space in a vortex around the sun, which itself is shooting through the Milky Way at some 514,000 mph. Christians...
by Rob | Feb 23, 2017 | Bible, Blogs, Flat Earth, Nephilim, Torah, Videos, YHWH
First let me say, I really do sincerely love and respect Derek and Sharon Gilbert, Tom Horn, Josh Peck and the rest of the gang over at SkywatchTV. Whatever they may think of me, I still enjoy watching, listening to and reading their stuff. However, they really should...
by Rob | Aug 24, 2016 | Bible, Blogs, Flat Earth, YHWH
I have repeatedly stated in other blog posts and videos that “The Bible is a flat Earth book from Genesis to Revelation.” Well, this morning, I found another interesting proof of this in the book of Revelation as a result of watching a video by Pastor Dean...
by Rob | Aug 22, 2016 | Bible, Blogs, Flat Earth, KJV Only, YHWH
In response to the whole Flat Earth Debate, I’ve been seeing more and more “scholars” defaulting to the Doctrine of Accommodation as a method to explain away the problem of what the Scriptures clearly describe concerning the shape and nature of our...
by Rob | Jun 9, 2016 | Bible, Israel, Rapture, salvation, YHWH
Fortunately, Sheila and I both have a good relationship with our parent’s-in-law. I know we are certainly blessed in this regard, because for whatever reason this is not the case for every married couple. Usually one or both tend to have “issues with the in-laws.”...
by Rob | May 30, 2016 | Blogs, KJV Only, Sacred Name, YHWH
Growing up in a KJV Only environment and still having to deal with them all the time on-line, I’ve come to know many (if not all) of their usual arguments. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love and study from the KJV myself and have for 40 years. It’s my...