by Rob | Jun 23, 2017 | Bible, Blogs, Flat Earth, Giants, Nephilim, Torah
By now, many of you have probably already seen this wonderful, masterpiece of work done by “Messianic Thug Life”…. Bill Cloud Smacks Down Foolish Distractions Bill Cloud (Shoreshim Ministries with Bill Cloud) smacks down foolish controversies that the enemy uses...
by Rob | Mar 19, 2017 | Bible, Blogs, Facebook Notes, Flat Earth, KJV Only, Torah
First let me start out by saying that I LOVE my King James Bible! It has been my preferred study Bible for 40 years – essentially since I was old enough to read it. I definitely do not enjoy dealing with KJV Only types though, but that’s another story....
by Rob | Feb 23, 2017 | Bible, Blogs, Flat Earth, Nephilim, Torah, Videos, YHWH
First let me say, I really do sincerely love and respect Derek and Sharon Gilbert, Tom Horn, Josh Peck and the rest of the gang over at SkywatchTV. Whatever they may think of me, I still enjoy watching, listening to and reading their stuff. However, they really should...
by Rob | Feb 23, 2017 | Bible, Blogs, Flat Earth, Torah
So, I just read an e-mail someone sent to me concerning 1 Corinthians 3:19. The person is a Flat Earther and they ended the e-mail with the ISV version of this verse: I Corinthians 3:19 (International Standard Version) For the wisdom of this world is nonsense in...
by Rob | Dec 8, 2016 | Bible, Blogs, Christmas, Easter, Facebook Notes, holidays, Israel, paganism, Torah
{sigh} What year is it? Oh yeah – we’re at the tail end of 2016. This means that for at least 7 years you have been hearing the truth being spoken on social media concerning the reality of X-mess and other pagan holidays. For my part, I put on “kid...
by Rob | Dec 31, 2015 | Bible, Blogs, Christmas, Easter, Ephraim Awakening, Facebook Notes, Feasts of YHWH, Israel, salvation, Torah, YHWH
This page contains Rob Skiba’s Facebook notes related to Biblical subjects, arranged in various categories below. The majority of these notes deal with what Rob calls The Ephraim Awakening and how it relates to the place of the Torah in the Believer’s life. Once...